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BelCloud LTD
Cherni lom 10, floor 5, Sofia, 1233 , Bulgaria

Company ID: 205491740
VAT ID: BG205491740

In case you are one of our customers please use the Support system to open a support ticket. Please keep in mind that we do not offer any kind of support or sales over the phone.


After navigating to the product page of the hosting service you wish to order and configure, press the "ORDER NOW" button to go further with your order.
Our main infrastructure and dedicated servers are located in the capital city of Bulgaria, in downtown Sofia, at the heart of the European Union. We also have servers other countries, as presented on our website.
We host most of our dedicated servers in S3 Data Center. However, we provide dedicated servers in other European countries, as specified on our website.
Yes, we provide live on-site technical support and our IT experts are available 24/7/365 by email and ticket support system.
At the moment we only provide support in English.
Our average turn-around time for support tickets is 20 minutes.